Note: Start at "The Why"
What Happened:
It's Valentine's Day!!!! A special day, right? Well not so much for the single and shut in the house. Blah! I was off work all of 3 hours and I was bored! After texting my colleges (The Dream Team) and knowing I wouldn't be there for 2 days I began to just figure it out myself. So I opened my google search engine. (I know I know the worst thing you can do) What causes extreme and prolonged muscle cramps? The possibilities were so vague and lets just be real I wasn't going to read all of them. time. Yes I am single but my dad gets me a gift for Valentine's Day every year. Outside of one year this is the only one I've ever gotten. This one is special because it's from my daddy. The one man I know will never let me down, who will always be there no matter what. Who other than God, is the only man that loves me unconditionally, my daddy! I checked my phone and nothing. Hmmm, so I text my sibling "did daddy bring you you're gift"? "no". Well dang it. Guess this will be a year of nothing. "I'll get myself candy tomorrow when it is on sale". I watched movie after movie and took several naps and I woke up and it was only 3pm. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG I was losing it! I needed this day to hurry and pass!
Then I got a text "check your door, I hope you feel better. Happy Valentine's Day. -Daddy" I ran to the door. LOL,well I hobbled as quick as I could! CHOCOLATE and a card! Going back to my room my foot locked up. I had to crawl back to bed. But I did manage to get my chocolate there with me so all was well.
How I felt:
Alone. Pissed. Sad
What Happened:
It's Valentine's Day!!!! A special day, right? Well not so much for the single and shut in the house. Blah! I was off work all of 3 hours and I was bored! After texting my colleges (The Dream Team) and knowing I wouldn't be there for 2 days I began to just figure it out myself. So I opened my google search engine. (I know I know the worst thing you can do) What causes extreme and prolonged muscle cramps? The possibilities were so vague and lets just be real I wasn't going to read all of them. time. Yes I am single but my dad gets me a gift for Valentine's Day every year. Outside of one year this is the only one I've ever gotten. This one is special because it's from my daddy. The one man I know will never let me down, who will always be there no matter what. Who other than God, is the only man that loves me unconditionally, my daddy! I checked my phone and nothing. Hmmm, so I text my sibling "did daddy bring you you're gift"? "no". Well dang it. Guess this will be a year of nothing. "I'll get myself candy tomorrow when it is on sale". I watched movie after movie and took several naps and I woke up and it was only 3pm. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG I was losing it! I needed this day to hurry and pass!
Then I got a text "check your door, I hope you feel better. Happy Valentine's Day. -Daddy" I ran to the door. LOL,well I hobbled as quick as I could! CHOCOLATE and a card! Going back to my room my foot locked up. I had to crawl back to bed. But I did manage to get my chocolate there with me so all was well.
How I felt:
Alone. Pissed. Sad
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