Note: Start reading at "The Why" What Happened: After searching and waiting to see a doctor I finally got in to see my primary car physician. I was searching to find another doctor because this one has not been so intelligent and his staff sucks!!! I know that's not nice but it's true. They don't call you back with test results or call your prescriptions in when you need them. He is an ok doctor as in he will run thousands of test and at least try to help you. Today I just need someone to give me a referral to a neurologist that can get me in sooner than April. I can't be in this much pain until April. Nooooo! So I prepared to go to the doctor by typing up a log of the medications I was taking and the exact symptoms I was having and when they were occurring, what made them worse, what seemed to help and what did not help at all. He read the list and did the pin in the bottom of your feet test. My right leg was worse than the left but both showed lots of n...
I am using this blog as a journal to express myself. I hope to take you on a walk with me through my life as I face the everyday challenges of being ill. I also hope you celebrate the victories with me that make life worth living. Everyday is not going to be good BUT I will Praise My Way Through those as well! I was designed especially for this battle and I am Fit for this Fight!!